Slice of life practice
when I was trying to wake up and walk my dog I did not want to do this so I got the leashes and walked them and it took so long just to put them on. Then when I got the bags to pic up the poop then when I opened the door the dogs I sprinted to the outside door and then I opened the door to outside. When I walked outside in too the cold breeze when in my hair and it felt good to be outside. So then the dog went straight into the grass to pee and then I still have to walk even further to let my dogs poop and I was up for it just because then after I was done I can eat breakfast and then go to school but that wasn’t how it planned out. So after when I was walking the dogs I went to the bathroom and threw up and I could not go to school and I could nor have cereal but that was fine I had toast and jam. So then I had to go to bed and sleep for a couple of hours I was thinking could this day be any worse but then it did. So when I woke up I had a headache and I threw up agai...